The Best Way to Learn a Language

When learning a foreign language, most agree that immersion within the culture where the language is spoken is best. In this way, the language learner interacts out of necessity on a daily basis in real-life situations with native speakers. Errors are either corrected by native speakers, or the learner realizes they have not been understood based on the result of the communication attempt. For these reasons, this type of language learning is the most effective because it is a genuine challenge and risk using real communication with immediate feedback. Additionally, this approach usually involves traveling to a new environment, trying new foods, and making friends.

For those who are unable to travel or attempt immersion, there are language classrooms, books, videos, and even apps we can use on our phones. In these times of the global pandemic, teachers and instructors have resorted to teaching online using applications for the classroom such as zoom, google classroom and Webex. Although the experience of an on-line classroom is quite different from immersion, many students prefer this type of learning for the convenience of not having to travel, and the flexibility it offers. Another consideration is what linguists and language acquisition researchers call “language ego”. This refers to the idea that we are afraid to make a mistake in front of someone else. But to truly learn a new language, we need to risk making many mistakes, even though we might feel shy when we speak in front of others. Online learning can lessen the impact of our language ego, especially if it is a small class or a private class with just a teacher.

Remember, speaking more than one language is a tremendous asset in our global communities and economies. While the pandemic has vastly changed our ability to travel and how we receive education, we must continue to expand our knowledge and skills with language use for a brighter world and a better future.

At BoulderBilinguals, learners are able to meet their needs based on their preferences and abilities. Contact us if you will be traveling to beautiful Colorado and want in-person learning, or if you would like to take an online class tailored to your specific needs and circumstances!

Being Bilingual

If a person speaks more than one language, that person is bilingual—or even multilingual, if he or she speaks more than two languages. There are many benefits and advantages to speaking more than one language. One clear benefit is the social advantage of being able to meet and speak to people from different cultures. But beyond the clear social benefit, there are also cognitive and economic benefits as well. Research shows that bilingual students have better, more focused educational performance, and are less distracted than monolingual students. Additionally, speaking more than one language gives job applicants an advantage when applying for work at multinational companies, and makes people better communicators in general. Another benefit is that speaking another language enhances creativity and innovative thinking because knowing more than language allows the brain to think about problem solving from multiple perspectives by applying greater meaning. Finally, learning another language improves the health of the brain and strengthens the brain against degenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. At Boulder Bilinguals, we value the amazing abilities and skills that bilingual speakers offer the world! Want to read more? We can connect you with the latest research on being bilingual.

ESL Classes


Grammar classes : We tailor to your needs and customize your learning experience.

Pronunciation classes : Do people have trouble understanding you? Ready to improve your comprehensibility in English?

Business English : Ready to learn the language of business? Are you interested in doing business in the U.S.? We are here to help.

The Four Skills : Writing, Reading, Listening, and Speaking are the four skills to become proficient in any language. Let us customize a program for you based on your language goals.





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